Everything You Need to Know About SPF

It finally feels like summer has arrived here in the UK which means it’s the perfect time to cover an important topic – SPF. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know I’m passionate about prioritising time outside in nature. I try to get out every day whatever the weather, but I love my morning walks even more when the sun is shining and there are blue skies overhead. Sunshine and Vitamin D are incredibly good for us, but we do need to be mindful about the effects of the sun. It’s vital we wear SPF every day, all year round, but especially at this time of year when the temperature creeps up and there’s more risk of burning.

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Why Do We Need to Protect Our Skin with SPF?

Wearing sunscreen is one of the best, and easiest, ways to protect your skin’s health and appearance. Used regularly, sunscreen can help prevent sunburn, skin cancer and signs of premature aging like fine lines and pigmentation. SPF is even more important if you’re using active ingredients in your skincare like Vitamin A (also known as retinoid) or an exfoliating acid. Certain medications can also make you more sensitive to the sun.

When Do We Need to Wear Sunscreen?

Every day. We’re exposed to UV rays inside and outside all year round, even when it’s overcast. The sun’s UVA rays penetrate deeply, destroying elasticity and altering the structure of the cells. UVB rays are the ones that can cause your skin to burn. My advice is to make SPF the last step in your skincare routine, after moisturiser, but before makeup.

In the summer, as well as using sunscreen, we should do our best to stay out of the sun during the middle of the day when it’s at its hottest. If you must go out at this time, try to cover up, consider wearing a hat and stay in the shade as much as possible.  

SPF Dos and Don’ts

You should opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen. I recommend SPF 30 as a minimum, but I prefer SPF 50+ and use it every day on my face, no matter the season. Remember to apply your SPF down your neck and across the tops of your ears.

SPF 15 in your foundation isn’t going to cut it, mainly because you’re unlikely to apply it in the quantity needed to protect your skin. The advice varies, but as a guide you should aim for ½ teaspoon of SPF for your face and neck. This is roughly equal to two finger lengths of cream or fluid. Some studies say 1/3 teaspoon, and some say up to 1 teaspoon, so it’s just about making sure you’re using enough to cover the whole area. If it’s sunk into your skin before you’ve finished applying it all over your face, you’re probably not using enough, but if there’s too much to blend in, try using slightly less.

You can’t add the SPF in your skincare and makeup together. If you have SPF 30 in your makeup and SPF 50 in your skincare, you’re wearing SPF 50 not SPF 80.

Use a product that’s just SPF. Skincare expert and founder of Skin Rocks, Caroline Hirons, explains that SPF in products overrides any active ingredients. This means if you’re buying an expensive anti-aging moisturiser that contains SPF, it’s essentially just an expensive SPF. The active ingredients won’t be the focus of the product, so you’re better off buying them separately. Yes, it might take a bit longer to apply, but the end result will be worth it.

Generally, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. Spray SPFs are ideal for reapplying throughout the day, especially when wearing makeup. Just ensure you apply it evenly all over your face and don’t inhale the spray.

Remember, SPF expires and degrades over time, so you should always check the packaging. The number in the little pot with an open lid symbol tells you how many months the product will last once opened.

Finally, you should always double cleanse at the end of the day when wearing SPF, even if you’ve been makeup-free.  

My Top 3 Favourite SPFs

La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF50+ is great for sensitive skin, it absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave any residue. I find it gives skin a luminous glow and makeup applies beautifully on top. There’s also an oil control version for oily, blemish prone skin which is perfect for anyone who finds SPF can often break them out.

Heliocare Airgel SPF50+ has a unique lightweight foam texture that is quick and effortless to apply. It instantly sinks in, making it ideal for people who don’t usually like the faff of SPF or how it feels on the skin.

Beauty Pie Featherlight SPF50 + Primer is another lightweight product that doesn’t leave any residue. It also removes the need to use a separate makeup primer. Simply apply and wait 60 seconds before doing your makeup.

Find Out More

You’ll find more skincare and makeup advice from me on Instagram. If you’re getting married, you can learn more about my skin first approach to bridal makeup here.

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